Andarta studio has a state-of-the-art system for creating 2D and 3D DCP Masters, DKDM and provides key management services as well as a wide variety of digital supplies.

 DCP Mastering

  • DCP is a globally adopted standard format for digital film distribution and projection that uses JPEG 2000 compression without visual loss. DCP presents every single frame with pure clarity in the highest digital resolutions available today – 2K or 4K
  • Creating a DKDM
  • Coded or uncoded Digital Cinema Packages (DCP)
  • Generation of  Interoperable Mastering Format (IMF) – an internationally accepted digital format (SMPTE)


Advanced coding and compression process in almost any format and compression on the market, providing the customer with a more secure internet connection.


  • DPX
  • Pro Res
  • DNxHD
  • Uncompressed HD
  • H.264
  • and many others


  •  Coding using the best encoders in the industry
  •  Customized menu